#MotivationMonday: Block Out Negativity
Dr. Lauren Elise
Social Media Influencer
Block Out Negativity!
It’s Monday. The start of a new week, another 24 hours to do what you do best... LIVE! As I was looking over my week, I begin to thank God for where He’s taking me. I see it so clear and bright now. When I first started Pretty Pieces, I had so many people speak against the idea, so many wondering why I wanted to start a boutique when everyone else was doing it. Boy, if I would have listen to them, instead of what was inside of me, I’ll be somewhere not living my best life. Starting this business was and is the best thing I have every done, because I get to meet and work with you pretties. I feel so fulfilled because I get to make women, like you, look and feel good, such an amazing feeling. With that being said, I want to say to you, block out the negativity. Block out the naysayers. When you have a vision, you’ll definitely have the plan to back it up. Don’t allow people to make you feel like you’re making the wrong choice when you know it’s the right choice. Remember Negativity needs oxygen in order to continue, don’t give it life. Continue to push forward with your vision. I promise it’ll be one of the best ones you will make.
It's Monday again, Block our Negativity!

Nicole Banks, CEO