#MondayMotivation: Let Your Light Shine!
Instagram Influencer
Have you ever had a time where you felt there was no light at the end of the tunnel, the situation was so dismal that nothing seemed to brighten it up? How about this one, no matter how hard you try to keep things together, it seems to fall apart? I know those times too and have experienced them as well. It doesn’t feel good going through things like that, but when you understand how great you are, how pretty you are underneath the grunge life gives to you, you’ll realize you’re a beacon of light. You see life may through some blows, it may make you want to throw in the towel, but don’t do it, because it’s something great waiting on you on the other side of that. What you are experiencing will only brighten your light even more and cause people to wonder “How did she do that?” When you go through these times of turbulence, find an outlet. For me, if you follow me on social media, you’ll see I love to dress up. Even as a little girl I found joy in dressing up. Now that I’m older, I still find that same joy and when I’m facing a time where I feel my light is getting dim, I dress up! It powers me up and rejuvenates that light. So pretty women, find you an outlet and continue to let your light shine! Mine is fashion and dressing up... what’s yours?
It's Monday again, Let your light shine!

Nicole Banks, CEO
Pretty Pieces
1 comment
Looking to purchase this outfit. Could you please give me the info.